Billing is based on the total number of pageviews across all sites you have added to your team. You can see the total number of billable pageviews at any time in your team settings.
Our payment processor, Stripe, automatically sends an invoice via email upon each payment. You can click on a link within this email to download your invoice.
Currently, we only support credit card payments. We cannot accept payments by wire transfer, invoicing, or cryptocurrency. All of our payment processing is handled by Stripe. As a small team, we are unable to manage billing ourselves.
You can change the billing address by opening your invoice and clicking the "Edit business address" link.
You will not be charged extra for occasional traffic spikes. We will continue to count your stats, and you will retain access to your dashboard. There are no surprise fees, and your card will not be charged unexpectedly. If higher traffic levels become consistent and your pageviews exceed your subscription plan for two consecutive months, we kindly ask you to upgrade your subscription plan to accommodate the new traffic levels using our self-serve platform.
Stripe will calculate a pro-rated amount, reflecting the amount you have paid on your previous subscription and the remaining time until that subscription was set to expire.